Sunday, January 22, 2012

Spirit Filled Sunday #10

I have a confession to make: I have not been to church in 2 weeks. Yep.... it's true. I went to Sunday School last week, but not church. This morning, I missed both. On both occasions, I missed church due to commitments I made with my daughters. Last week, we went to my co-worker's ranch to ride horses. This week, we went to a birthday party. And while my girls had a wonderful time and enjoyed themselves, I am feeling as if maybe I made a mistake. Am I, through my actions, telling them it is OK to put other things before GOD? Should I have said no to the invitations because they interfered with church? I am not sure, but I definitely will think twice before accepting another Sunday invitation. By the way, the picture accompanying this post is entitled "Time Well Spent". How are you spending your time?

I leave you with this Facebook post I read today (coincidence or divine intervention) posted by Rev. Kevin Swindle, a preacher I respect tremendously:

In Biblical times, what do you think life in the day of a servant was like? A servant worked in the master’s house, attended the master’s needs, and was always available to the master when the master would call. The servant’s life was not his own. The servant’s personal life, interests and desires were secondary to the interests of the master. As Christians, we believe we are to be servants in the house of God. As such, how might you imagine life in a day of a servant of His house? Are we working in His house? Are we attending our Master and ensuring we are available to do what He asks, when He asks? Do our personal lives, desires and wants become secondary to God’s interests? The heart of servant-hood is sacrifice. Each day presents us an awesome privilege and responsibility to faithfully focus on the interests of God.

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